Common Grace
The Maker's Hands
Febuary 13, 2017
Look at your hands, seriously look down and inspect every crack, every crevice.
With the exception of scars and wear and tear of travel, Jesus' hands look just like yours.
Recently I have been challenged to think about my future. I am currently on the path to become a teacher at East Carolina University. A few weekends ago the upperclassmen student leaders of CRU went to a preview weekend of the opportunities that were offered after graduation. It ranged from staying on course to become a teacher or to join a STINT team to spend 9-12 month overseas, and everything in between. I felt my heart being torn into a billion pieces in the best way possible. But as I began to think about what the Lord was doing, I began to feel the fears in my heart come through as well as the joy. Now if you have ever felt like your world was going through some construction or shaking/ falling apart you kind of know what I am talking about when I say I had know idea what I was doing.
Here's the beauty of it.....
I don't have to. If I believe the good news of the Gospel, then I know that the Lord has me in every circumstance and for a much bigger purpose that I am not powerful enough to mess up (John 10:27-28). I know the question, "then why does it always feel like I am falling or that my world is making me stumble all the time if the Lord really has me?" I have thought of it this way, and invite you to do the same, You are in God's hand always, no matter what, when you feel like life is turning upside down or taking the turn for the worst, that's God moving you from one hand to the other. It can be unexpected but will be for your good and God's glory. It may seem terrible at the time, but it's our lack of trust in the Lord that really makes it seem that way. Trust the Lord, it is easier said than done. But that is what faith is made of and if it was easy we wouldn't need faith. Pray with me to trust the Lord in all of life's many decisions.
Application Questions:
1. What are big decisions in your life right now? what are small ones?
2. What are reasons you are not trusting God? How can you give this fully to Him?
3. When was the last time you completely gave something to the Lord in faith that it was in His hands?
4. Did it turn out the way you expected? Better than you expected?
Flashlight Faith
January 31, 2017
Imagine that you are in darkness. All you have is a flashlight. On or off is your options, there is no in between. You would think you would have it on always, to guide you through the darkness and to help others find their way. Just like our faith, it is all or nothing.
According to the Bible, we are in a world of spiritual darkness. As Christians, we are called to be a light in the darkness of the world "You are the light of the world." -Matthew 5:14. Flashlights, if you will. There are two problems with us:
1. We either are too bright or
2. we are completely turned off
Lets think about it:
Too Bright:
In a previous blog, I briefly talked about my family not being spiritual. Recently I have been trying desperately to be a flashlight in their world. But just when you shine a flashlight in someones face, they are going to turn their head. I was trying to shine MY light on my own, thinking it was for God. Instead I should have been letting GOD'S light shine through me. After all I am nothing without Him. If you try on your own strength to be a light, you might move the flashlight from being a guide to blinding others. When you shine a light in someones face, they can't see who holds the light, therefore not letting them see God. Remember: you don't have the power to change people's hearts nor are pressured to do so, but to let God use you according to His will.
Turned off:
Then there is the polar opposite. We as humans fear rejection and desire to people please. If this doesn't describe you like it describes me, you may have different fears or other reasons, search your heart now and ask God to reveal those to you. This is where my hesitation comes from to share the Gospel, to be a light. Too often, Christians are quiet and passive bystanders to a dark world. I ask, as a fellow Christian and hesitator, to Pray about sharing the Gospel and being a light to those in you life. The beauty is it is already inside you, you just have to let it shine. "In the same way let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16.
In faith, share the gospel, be a light to all people of the world, everyday through your actions and words. Success is when you step out in faith to share the gospel and leave the results up to God.
Application Questions:
1. Which are you, often forcefully bright, or not showing Gods light? Where and with who do you see this with?
2. How are you relying on yourself to share your light or the gospel? How are or should you rely on God?
3. We all know that this is easier said than done, what are some fears that you are facing that is stopping you from sharing the gospel?
4. Who do you think God wants you to share the gospel with in your life?
Playing Offense
January 11, 2017
Today, I went to one of my favorite places to do quiet time, or spend time in thought with the Lord. When I began to pray before I started, a friend, whom I had not talked to for more than a year, walked up to the table. She asked if she could sit and catch up with me while she ate her lunch.
She brought her food to sit with me and she began to ask about what God was teaching me and my walk with the Lord. I explained to her in a few details that I had been butting heads with my non-spiritual family and becoming frustrated with them.
That through James 4 and 5 that I had been reading, God was showing me that I was judging my family for where they could be and not accepting and loving my family where they are. Also through the book of James, He was reminding me that I can not tame my own tongue, but be cautious of the words and actions that I used to reflect my decisions, for they are very powerful.
After listening to my answer, she explained why she came over to the table. She told me that she was eating her lunch minding her own business when she felt the nudge to go into the lounge we were both sitting in. She listened and once seated she wasn't sure why God wanted her there. Friends came in and thinking it was it, she met with them for a minute and then I walked in.
She said I knew I needed to talk with you. "Take this with a grain of salt and God's word, but God wants me to tell you this," she said after I talked about my walk with the Lord. Now this is where my mind was blown, remind you we haven't talked in over a year and I didn't get into deep details with my family issues. However, this is what she said. "STOP playing tug of war with God, just drop the rope." At first confused, she explained that I was playing tug of war with God over my family. Giving some things to Him but not fully giving Him their growth in spirituality. I thought it was up to me to change my family's point of view and put that pressure on my shoulders. Through my friend, God was telling me, "ALWAYS OFFENSE, NEVER DEFENSE". Instead of trying so hard to change their hearts, which no one but God has the power to do, I should be in prayer for my family. Prayer is playing offense. She mentioned Matthew 17:20, speaking of the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, but she made the point that those mountains can be spiritual mountains too, all you need is faith. She explained that it is important to stop expecting things to happen, where my family is "supposed" to be. Putting God in a box like that, prohibits Him from blowing our minds, after all I didn't expect this conversation and you can consider my mind blown. She continued to speak with me as I wrote down notes on how I shouldn't have an expectation of what my prayer time, quiet time, or gospel presentations should be. She then prayed over me and we went our separate ways.
After she left and some time that followed, I thought about what she had said. Amazed that God worked through her to hit me right in the heart of exactly what I needed to hear. From that conversation, I've realized the importance of being available whenever and wherever God needs me. Also the power and importance of prayer in my decisions. The best defense is a good offense.
Application Questions:
1. In what ways are you playing tug of war with God? What are you not completely letting go of?
2. How are you playing Defense in you life? With your family, friends, co-workers?
3. How do you put God in a box? Why do you think this is? In what ways do you think you can let God free?
4. Are you praying about it as much as you are talking about it?
Working For What
May 9, 2017
You may have heard that you cannot obtain salvation by your own works or merit. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; but it is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) If we continue through the very next verse we can see what works we should consider. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10). Lets Break this down:
Two types of works:
1) WORKS FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT: this is the works that some may do to try to earn salvation, or to gain favor from God; Example: Going to church because it's what you should do, trying on your own strength to be a good person.
2)WORKS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT: (Also known as good works) as a believer, this is the works that flow out by the Holy Spirit working in your heart, Cause: being made new in Christ Jesus; Effect: works that flow from a loving heart. Example: going to church because you love Christ and desire to know him, relying on the Lord to use you to help others. If you are not a believer, this cannot apply to you, it comes with being a new creation.
Biblical Evidence:
Good works can be found multiple times in 1st and 2nd Timothy, when Paul writes to Timothy, "They are to do good, to be rich in good works" (1 Timothy 6:18). "Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21). Last one from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." This shows the importance of scripture toward being equipped for good works.
James 2:14-17 makes it very clear the importance of good works by our faith (not for it), "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead."
Let me be clear, faith is very important and is the foundation of our belief, but by the Holy Spirit you will have outward works that will come naturally and intentionally, just because as a new creation, you love what the Lord loves; people and being a service to those around you.
There are many bible verses about good works in the word, other resources that I recommend can be found in the resources tab above.
Application Questions:
1. Do you know the Lord to be the answer to salvation and not your works, so you can not boast? Have you accepted this for yourself?
2. In what ways have you been trying on your own strength to obtain favor from the Lord? Evaluate your heart and intentions.
3. In what ways have you seen the Lord work through you by the Holy Spirit, were you able to see the fruit of your labor? If it didn't turn out well, how did you try to control the situation instead of relying on the Holy Spirit?
4. In what ways do you see the Holy Spirit currently moving in your life?